National News

Indian Air Force boosts capabilities with four strike-capable Heron Mark 2 drones

Indian Air Force bolsters defence capabilities with Heron Mark 2 drones

In a significant move to boost defence capabilities, four strike-capable Heron Mark 2 drones were incorporated into the Indian Air Force (IAF) on Sunday at a forward air base in the northern sector. The introduction of these drones, as stated by the drone squadron’s commanding officer, Wing Commander Pankaj Rana, enhances the surveillance system of the country, allowing scanning operations within a single sortie, according to ANI News agency.

The unique capabilities of the Heron Mark 2 drones have now become an integral part of the IAF. “The Heron Mark 2 is a highly competent drone. It has longer endurance and ‘beyond line of sight’ capability,” affirmed Wing Commander Pankaj Rana to ANI.

These four newly inducted Heron Mark-2 drones come equipped with add-on features such as the ability to house long-range missiles and other high-intensity weapon systems. They also have satellite communication capability which remains a long-desired requirement for the IAF. What makes these drones instrumental is their capability to operate continuously for as long as 36 hours, covering vast distances.

Part of their high-range capability, these drones can effectively laser illuminate enemy targets from a considerable distance, thereby assisting fighter aircraft in destroying them utilising their long-range weaponry. The presence of these Heron Mark 2 drones guarantees round-the-clock surveillance of potential targets. Their superior endurance ensures the capability to handle multiple missions concurrently, addressing multiple issues within a single operation.

Regardless of the weather conditions or terrain, the Heron Mark 2 drones demonstrate their potential for seamless operation. Commenting on the flexible nature of these drones, defence officials have remarked that these drones are capable of accommodating a variety of weaponry. The original equipment manufacturers have the ability to equip them with air-to-ground missiles, anti-tank weapons, and bombs, which broadens their range of applications.

In addition to this, the IAF is further inducting 31 Predator drones, categorised as high altitude, long endurance drones. These drones are set to aid the Indian Navy in covering significant expanses of the Indian Ocean region. Out of these, 15 drones are to be managed by the Indian Navy, whilst the other two forces, the Indian Army and the IAF, will be delegated eight drones each.

The amalgamation of these additional resources empowers the defence forces with reinforced strength and dominance, manifesting a robust aerial defence mechanism to safeguard the nation. The gradual deployment and advancement of these resources denote the dynamic evolution of India’s defence sector.

Ravi Verma

Ravi Verma is a seasoned journalist and writer with over a decade of experience in national news. A University of Delhi graduate, he's known for his insightful reporting on elections, policy changes, and social issues. His work has earned him multiple accolades, including the prestigious Ramnath