Andrew Burgess
Hi! I'm Andrew Burgess, and I'm a connoisseur of all things programming. I'm from near Toronto, Canada, and I've been fooling around with computers for nearly my whole life, both hardware and software. Right now, I'm finishing up a computer science degree. For almost a decade now, I've been playing around with over a dozen programming languages on several different platforms, from JavaScript to Java, from Ruby to Befunge. My favourite has always been JavaScript. I've always enjoyed writing, so when I discovered Tuts+ in 2009, I was excited to start writing tutorials. Since then, I've been writing tutorials and producing screencasts for Tuts+. Right now, I'm a course instructor and I produce mostly JavaScript-related courses. Maybe you've seen Building a Web App from Scratch with Angular.js or Node.js from Scratch; that's me! I've also written a few ebooks, like Getting Good with Git, Getting Good with JavaScript, and, more recently, Backbone.js Blueprints.
  1. FREE
  2. FREE
  3. FREE
  4. FREE
  5. FREE
  6. FREE
  7. FREE

    Get Started With Meteor

  8. FREE
  9. FREE
  10. FREE
  11. FREE
  12. FREE
  13. FREE
  14. FREE
  15. FREE
  16. FREE
  17. FREE
  18. FREE
  19. FREE

    Building NPM Packages

  20. FREE

    Redis Essential

  21. FREE

    Beautiful Data with D3

  22. FREE

    Getting Good with Grunt

  23. FREE

    Relational Databases

  24. FREE

    Building Ribbit in Rails

  25. FREE
  26. FREE
  27. FREE

    Vim for Advanced Users

  28. FREE
  29. FREE

    Learning MongoDB

  30. FREE
  31. FREE
  32. FREE
  33. FREE

    Git Essentials

  34. FREE
  1. Learn JavaScript

  2. Uploading Files With AJAX