Alessio Francesco Fedeli

Alessio Francesco Fedeli

Graduating from Webster University with a degree of Management with an emphasis on International Business, Alessio is a Thai-Italian with a multicultural perspective regarding Thailand and abroad. On the same token, as a passionate person for sports and activities, Alessio also gives insight to various spots for a fun and healthy lifestyle.
  • Best Bites

    5 best restaurants to dine at Asiatique

    What is a better feeling than having lunch/dinner at the best restaurants of Asiatique the Riverfront? Asiatique is Bangkok’s open-air mall settled on top of the Chao Praya River located right next to the Buddhist temple Wat Ratcha Singkhon. Asiatique is home to a variety of clothing stores, souvenir shops, and even some entertainment such as the Asiatique Sky Ferris…

  • Food

    Best restaurants in Pattaya with breathtaking views

    Discover Pattaya’s best restaurants while gazing over a breathtaking view of Pattaya’s azure sea or glowing cityscape. An unrivalled experience that transcends the ordinary. What some would consider a daydream is a reality in these restaurants. Featuring delectable cuisine and boasting spectacular views, these hotspots offer a blend of taste with visual stimuli. Best restaurants in Pattaya with a view…

  • Things To Do

    Adrenaline rush at Bangkok’s best go-kart racing venues

    Bangkok is filled with historical sites that meld traditional and modern styles in an attractive manner. However, Adrenaline Junkies need the thrill and seek out opportunities to feel the rush, and Bangkok has exactly that. Racing fans can feel the adrenaline rush as Bangkok has its go-kart racing scene as well, with accessible and amazing venues to drive in. Along…